Dissolving Disconnection Manchester 6th April 2023


The Midland Hotel, Manchester – 10am-1pm

IF YOU MEET PEOPLE for a living…(and don’t we ALL).
No matter if you’re a lawyer.
A plumber.
A retailer.
EVERYTHING we desire in life comes from our ability to captivate and connect with people we don’t yet know.
IN FACT – we’re accepted or deleted by others within 4 seconds of them clapping eyes on us. LESS in the written word.
In 3 hours…you’ll learn how to instantly dissolve ANY disconnection between yourself and and anyone else on the entire PLANET.
Previously known….or UNKNOWN
You’ll COMMAND a room…DISARM the ”not sure”… and fast track  DEEP and REAL…RESPECTED business (and social) friendships that would have taken MONTHS or even YEARS to nurture.
THE THING IS – no matter what you do or who you are. To be good is a given. EVERYBODY is. It’s YOU they buy…not what you SELL.
SO HOW DO YOU DO THAT?…this is not what you’d expect. And for sure not the ”usual”
MIDLAND HOTEL Manchester 6th APRIL 2023
ONLY 10 SEATS around that MAGIC TABLE….(exclusive not volume).
3 places have gone already.
5* review film coming SOON




You CANNOT Miss this one!