Inspirational Female Speaker in the UK | Nicky Pattinson
What’s to say about yourself?
I’ll start by telling you I knew I would always do what I do…
Even at 4, I said ‘I’m on a stage speaking to people’’.
I guess it’s an emotive road that takes us all to our destiny. All the ups and downs, joyous moments, and head-in-your-hand’s nights that brings you to today.
We’ve all got an interesting story to tell. All of us.
I’m an ex-shoe shop assistant. Ex 2 million a year market trader. Ex-wife.
To get here we’ve all been an ‘’ex’’ something. It’s how to tell the world who you became that takes you forward – I mean how true is the phrase.
Particularly now…the world has changed so much. The gift of expert personal expression is a skill that sets the winners apart from the others.
Together we’ve tripled sales in retail…got immediate new instruction in professional services and I’ve now worked with many hundreds of people one to one. And more recently events specifically to elevate confidence and influence for 40’s+ professional women, have sold out right away, to great new friends across the world.
Success depends on whether people perk up or shut down in your presence. We’ve never been more hungry for relational business – not so much transactional.
Ready to stand up stand out and become a master of creating relationships?
Email me on and lets start a conversation
Take care until then…